
Putting the "social" back in social media.

  • Stage Concept Only
  • Industry Digital Marketing
  • Location NYC, NY, US
  • Currency USD
  • Founded October 2015
  • Employees 2

Company Summary

We believe that humans are social creatures. They thrive on interacting with others.

The market want that we are trying to address is people's desire to be social. We believe that most people want an easier way to connect with people outside of their already existing social circle. We believe that we have created a way to enable people to meet up live without the hassle or the distress of people construing it the wrong way or interpreting that it was a date.

The main concept behind this venture is to make social media "SOCIAL" again.

The service that we wish to provide is to give people a live feed of friends and extended friends (1 degree of separation) in the area. This live feed is posted using geolocation and whatever activity the user wants to do (basketball, coffee, dinner, movie, etc).

The user that indicates they are interested in doing said activity is referred to as the "seed." Other users can see this data and can choose to do said activity with the seed. The number of users/group's size is also defined by the seed. If a user wanted to play basketball with 6 people, the seed can predefine this.

The benefit that Branch will bring to other companies is allowing local businesses and companies access to this data. If a store or company wants to promote a new basketball shoe, they can directly market events or promos to users interested in basketball (data provided from the seed). If a restaurant wants to fill an empty table, they can reach out to the seeds that want to grab a bite to eat live instead of utilizing other services like Groupon that do not guarantee the timeliness of redemption.

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