Blueye Robotics

The finest drones for underwater exploration

  • Stage Prototype Ready
  • Industry Consumer Products
  • Location Trondheim, Norway
  • Currency NOK
  • Founded June 2015
  • Employees 7
  • Incorporation Type Not Incorporated
  • Website

Company Summary

BluEye develops underwater drones aimed for the global consumer market. The drones will be portable, affordable and have outstanding user friendliness. The company is co-founded with renowned professors at NTNU with extensive underwater robotics experience.
Business model in brief: in-house development, outsourced manufacturing, social media marketing and online sales of drones and accessories.


  • Founder and CEO

    MSc Mechanical Engineering, almost MBA from NUS.
    Schlumberger - Wireline logging
    MARINTEK - research
    European Space Agency - logistics manager, International Space Station
    Maritim21 - programme manager, generating larger collaborative research projects within maritime sector in Norway
    Maritime Forum - manager for Mid-Norway (present)

  • Mechatronics Engineer

    MSc in Mechatronics from University of Lund, Sweden, and ETSEIB - UPC, Barcelona
    Summer jobs with excellent remarkds with Volvo and CITCEA.
    Very skilled electronics, mechatronics and software engineer

  • Mechanical design engineer

    Experienced Industrial Design Engineer (Master of Science) with a versatile expertise in R&D, Innovation, Project Management and Planning.
    - Prezioso Linjebygg AS - Senior Subsea Engineer
    - Intra AS - R&D Manager
    - Microplast AS - Sales Engineer

  • Project engineer

    M.Sc in Industrial Economics and Tech. Management from the Norwegian University of Life Sciences. With a heart for the ocean and a genuine interest in new technology, renewable energy, leadership and innovation.
    - OpenROV - Summer intern and Norwegian ambassador
    - Tekna NMBU - Board Member and Student Representative


Previous Investors

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