Put an end to daily hassles with Auto Drivers. Call AutoRaja for a reliable, professional auto rickshaw. Get Driven, help drivers, everyday.

  • Stage Prototype Ready
  • Industry Travel
  • Location Chennai, TN, India
  • Currency INR
  • Founded April 2013
  • Employees 2
  • Website

Company Summary

AutoRaja is a social enterprise with twin objectives: a) run autorickshaws on call, and b) help create dignified lives for auto drivers by facilitating access to institutional finance, affordable healthcare, and quality education. Indian cities (incl. Chennai) have been suffering from the unreasonable demands, daily bargaining, unreliability of auto drivers. 229m people across India, who travel daily with autos have no choice. We fill this gap.


  • Aishwarya Hymavati Raman
    Co Founder

  • Anubhav Agrawal
    Co Founder

Previous Investors

  • AIBOA (All India Bank Officers' Association)

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