Aryballe Technologies

AT will develop innovative Gustatory and Olfactory Nano Bio Sensors. A first medical device will be launched in 2016 for patients suffering from Anosmia

  • Stage Prototype Ready
  • Industry Medical Devices and Equipment
  • Location Grenoble, France
  • Currency EUR
  • Founded 2014
  • Employees 4

Company Summary

Based on the combination of Nano, Biotech, IT and Cognitive Sciences (NBIC) Aryballe will develop Innovative technologies, databases, software and devices applied to the identification, measurement and representation of smells and tastes. The company’s main technology, NeOse will be available in 2016 and should be the first Universal Portable Odor detector (e-nose) on the market.


  • CEO & CSO

    former CEO & co-fonder of PX’Therapeutics sold to “Laboratoire Aguettant” in 2012 after 12 years of development

  • CFO & board member

    Former HR Director and Direction comity member @ PX


  • CEO of MOVEA and Board member of Aryballe Technologies

Previous Investors

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