
Introducing Aquawing, a kickass kickboard that glides on water. Multi-use modular floats successfully tested and endorsed by the 'MIT Masters Swim Club'

  • Stage Prototype Ready
  • Industry Consumer Products
  • Location Seattle, WA, US
  • Currency USD
  • Founded January 2015
  • Employees 1
  • Incorporation Type Other
  • Website

Company Summary

Aquawing just passed the initial round of the HYPE Rio 2016 Global Innovation in Sport Competition

A $25,000 sponsorship will give us a strong chance at the next round for the Brazil Olympics:

"...its allowing you to be more streamlined on top of the water which is conducive to how people are swimming, especially a lot of speed swimmers, a lot of racers and competitive swimmers." says Bill Paine, Head Coach, MIT Masters Swim Club. ( see video: "MIT Masters Swim Club meet Aquawing )

Aquawing is a privately held start-up in seed stage focused on innovation in consumer products. Specifically products that solve real proven problems in our daily life with mass market potential.

We seek $250,000 to go to market in 6 months.

below, first dip, MIT Aquatic Center:


  • Board Member, Founder

    Founder & CEO Connectibles, MBA MIT Sloan, Brandeis, Walt Disney, DreamWorks Animation SKG, Warner Bros.


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