American SensoRx, Inc.
SensoRx is classified into Enterprise 2.0 (Data security & analytics), Greentech ( MEMS & NanoTech), Healthcare IT (Electronic Records).
- Stage $50M+ in TTM Revenue
- Industry Electronics / Instrumentation
- Location China
- Currency CNY
- Founded May 2012
- Employees 450
- Website AmericanSensoRx.com
Company Summary
American Sensorx Inc is a world leader in developing sophisticated, and highly advanced yet affordable vision and spectroscopy systems. It has earned as one of only three technologically advanced companies by the recognition of “Intelligent Community Forum”.It mainly serviced top 50 pharma and fortune 500 which revenue is above 1b dollars.
Sabrie SolomanPresident:
Dr. Sabrie Soloman, President:
Dr. Sabrie Soloman, Founded American SensoRx, Inc., in 1994.
1990 Founded Advanced manufacturing Technology at Columbia University.
1990 to Present - Adjunct Professor- Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Columbia University.
Obtained B.Sc., and M.Sc- in Science and Engineering - Cambridge University England.
Ph.D., University of New Castle Upon Type University - England.
MBA at Stanford University
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