
Customized effect and function on apparel material and chemistry based on consumer feedback AI analytics on what consumer wants.

  • Stage Full Product Ready
  • Industry Chemicals and Chemical Products
  • Location Delaware, OH, US
  • Currency USD
  • Founded April 2017
  • Employees 9
  • Incorporation Type C-corp
  • Website 4tify.co

Company Summary

Sustainable chemistry/material apply on apparel to provide the effects or functions based on consumer feedback analytics AI customization.
Modular applicator are used for functional material application on apparel for commercial scale. AI analytics of consumer apparel experience feedback and customization of apparel effect with functions of, no ironing, springtech, easy clean, repel stains, moisture transport and many more. Demos on 4tify.co .


  • Founder

    Professional Chemical Engineer, graduated from University Technology Malaysia. GLG USA Council Member and Industrial Technology Advisor of University Technology Malaysia. YC Startup Founders Track 2017 / Y Combinator Startup School 2017 alumni. Developer of functional chemistry and material for apparel and fashion fabrics.

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