
+107 more
  • Hubli, KA, India · Education

    Inphics will give students and teachers a potential 3D, very much interactive and intuitive environment to learn and teach more effectively.

  • Toulouse, Midi-Pyrénées, France

    Pit'Ap est l'entreprise créatrice du produit Air Speaker 360 , Gilet de communication formation ou securite .

  • Dartmouth, NS, Canada · Education

    Safe Drinking Water "The Next Frontier"

  • Cleveland, TN, USA

    keep going over the given amount of words . I am expert martial artist and my students are the best trained in the country.dont be a victim

  • New York City, NY, USA · Education

    The Science Outreach Center wants to start an Astronomy program with in the inner city which will bea handson science experiment for student

  • New Delhi, DL, India

    I would like to change the whole education industry and Develop a new device which will have everything a student needs in a schoolbag.

  • Sheidow Park, SA, Australia

    To educate and develop, the horse society by creating a recognized training organization.

  • Medellin - Antioquia, Colombia

    Asoartes es una asociación de oficios y artes creada para capacitar a la población pobre y vulnerable de la ciudad de Medellín.

  • Scottsdale, AZ, USA

    We write, illlustrate and publish books for children for education and entertainment.

  • Harlingen, TX, USA

    A daycare, after school, and activity center for children with special needs.