Impact USA Spring 2018
Apr 16 - Jun 22 | San Francisco, CA, US
http://www.impact-north-america.com/startups/scale/About this Program
Started in 2014 in San Francisco, then launched in New York in 2016, Impact USA is the accelerator program powered by Business France and Bpifrance for selected high-growth French startups to kickstart their business in the U.S.
Since 2014: 48 alumni, 80% of them are now established in the U.S., they raised $120M+ post program and increased their workforce by 50%.
Impact USA has been named by CB Insights "the most active accelerator for French startups in the U.S." (Q1 2017).
Here are all the dates you need to be aware of:
Jan 5, 2018: Applications close
Feb 28, 2018: 2-days Bootcamp in Paris
Apr 16, 2018: Onsite residence starts (New York and San Francisco)
Jun 22, 2018: Demo Days (New York and San Francisco)
Length of the program and required commitment:
- The onsite program is 10-week long.
- Prior to it, there is a non-optional 6-week long remote preparation, including a bootcamp in Paris that brings together all the selected companies.
- The Impact team is 100% dedicated to your project and expects a mutual commitment to each and every part of our program.
Application tips:
- Be concise and very clear - the jury will not waste time trying to understand obscure sentences
- However, do not omit anything of significance - it will help the jury understand where you’re coming from and where you’re going.
- Use metrics as much as possible. But only relevant ones...
Please make sure to visit our website and read our FAQ (www.impact-north-america.com/about/faq/) for comprehensive information about the program and tips on submitting the best possible application. You can also contact us at impact@businessfrance.fr for any question.
Funding Information
- Takes up to 0.0% equity
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