Early Risers: Startup Week Edition 2019

Jun 6 | Dayton, Ohio, USA

Helping Dayton Entrepreneurs Find the Resources They Need

About this Program

Being an entrepreneur is really hard–and sometimes lonely. It’s all too easy to get so heads-down in your work that you forget to look up and reach out to the world around you. We believe, though, that success starts with connectivity. That’s why a big part of our mission is to bring entrepreneurs together to create a strong social support system. By joining Dayton’s startup community, you’ll be connected with innovators of all ages, backgrounds, skillsets, and experiences, giving you access to a deep and diverse pool of talent to help you overcome hurdles and plan for growth.

Funding Information

  • Funds up to $1k per team
  • Takes up to 0.0% equity
  • Accepts 10 companies


Aerospace, Agriculture, Biotechnology, Business Products, Business Services +42 more