About this Program
On behalf of UNDP Wildfire Management Project, and in collaboration with UNDP ImpactAim Venture Accelerator and ISTC - Innovative Solutions and Technologies Center you are invited to participate in the Climate Tech Hackathon, which will take place on June 30 - July 01. It is the first hackathon of its kind in Armenia that is aiming at the creation of innovative solutions to face challenges in forestry and agricultural sectors because of climate change.
The 24-hour event is about creating solutions to real forestry and agriculture challenges using a variety of datasets, APIs, and hardware provided by ISTC - Innovative Solutions and Technologies Center.
The Challenges of the Hackathon were created based on pre-set directions and will be announced one by one during upcoming weeks.
During the Hackathon, we will have theme workshops and interesting keynotes! Private sector sponsors will also be engaged for prizes and cooperation.
Tech and field experts/environmentalists are welcome to bring their ideas and see how far it will be possible to take them in 24 hours.
Stay tuned for the interesting challenges to experience and special prizes to win and for more information please check the web page - http://impactaim.com/program/517-2/
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