2019 BioCrossroads DataX Challenge

Sep 26 - Mar 10 | Indianapolis, IN, USA

BioCrossroads serves as a catalyst for the continued growth of Indiana’s robust life sciences industry.

About this Program

The collision of life sciences’ traditional biology and pharmacology with technology and big data has enormous potential for bettering health outcomes. Innovation and growth requires interdisciplinary collaboration to evolve and create capabilities, and in Indiana, an opportunity exists to foster cross fertilization amongst the life sciences, technology, and engineering sectors. As computing power, data volume, and demand for health innovation grows, so too does the need to leverage data assets to support innovation. Simply put, there are discoveries hidden in data that can change the world.

BioCrossroads seeks to foster artificial intelligence and machine learning as key tools to realize those discoveries that fuel innovation through the creation and launch of a data driven innovation challenge: DataX. The intersection of these disciplines and resources should lead to new ways of investigating traditional disease biology and public health outcomes questions. Founded on the premise of asking critical questions that can leverage and bridge publicly available data sets, the Challenge seeks to foster new solutions and innovation.


Agriculture, Biotechnology, Healthcare Services, IT Services, Medical Devices and Equipment