Hunter Angels Limited

Angel Group · 35 Members · Newcastle New South Wales, Australia
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Our Investment Focus

Our Investment Criteria Includes the Following:

  1. Proven Traction:

We look for companies that have already demonstrated early traction, such as generating revenue or acquiring customers, as a sign of product-market fit.

  1. Investment Size:

Angel investment round is typically small and the first external investment in a startup. We then offer follow-on funding to successful portfolio companies.

We typically invest in starts-ups seeking between $50k – $500k initial capital and can support follow up rounds for successful start-ups.

  1. Valuation:

Pre-money valuation of up to $5 million

  1. Market potential

Businesses that are targeting growth markets with limited competition with high barriers to entry that is not easy to replicate.  We invest in companies that have found a unique and meaningful way to differentiate themselves in the marketplace.

We focus on investing in companies operating in high-growth industries such as technology, healthcare, and cleantech, which have the potential to generate substantial returns.

  1. Strong Founding Teams

We prioritise investing in companies with strong founding teams that possess the passion, drive, and expertise necessary to execute their vision and achieve success.

  1. Early-Stage Investment:

We focus on investing in early-stage companies, typically in seed or Series A rounds, to capture meaningful ownership at a reasonable valuation

  1. Geographic Focus

We focus on investing in companies based in the Hunter Region but will consider investing in other regions in Australia and internationally.

  1. Exit Strategy:

We expect companies to have a clear exit strategy in place with the goal of achieving at least a 10x return on our investment within 5-10 years.


GGWP Academy


Preferred Industries

  • Aerospace
  • Agriculture
  • Biotechnology
  • Business Products
  • Business Services
  • Clean Technology
  • Computers and Peripherals
  • Consumer Products
  • Consumer Services
  • Education
  • Electronics / Instrumentation
  • Fashion
  • Fintech
  • Gaming
  • Healthcare Services
  • Industrial/Energy
  • Internet / Web Services
  • IT Services
  • Medical Devices and Equipment
  • Nanotechnology
  • Networking and Equipment
  • Robotics
  • Semiconductors
  • Software
  • Telecommunications
  • Transportation
  • Travel

Preferred Locations

  • New South Wales, Australia
  • NSW, Australia
  • Central Coast NSW, Australia
  • Sydney NSW, Australia
  • Newcastle NSW, Australia