Stateline Angels

Angel Group · 16 Members · Rockford, IL, USA · ACA
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Our Investment Focus

1. A market opportunity sufficient to create a business with a least $50 million in revenues.

2. A compelling, well-articulated strategy for capturing and defending a significant market share.

3. Proprietary technology or other strong barriers to market entry.

4. Strong management (not necessarily a complete team) with relevant and successful experience.

5. An exit strategy for the investors.

6. A desire for advice and coaching.

7. Lastly, the company valuation must fit within our risk/reward expectations for the investment.


Ratio, Inc.

Medical Devices and Equipment

Lumec Control Products, Inc

Clean Technology



Preferred Industries

  • Business Services
  • Electronics / Instrumentation
  • Industrial/Energy
  • Medical Devices and Equipment
  • Mobile
  • Software